Okuhikawa Shrine

One of the Musashi Mihikawasha, which enshrines Susano Onomikoto and his princess. The Shinboku next to the shrine is a three-sugi tree that branches from the root into three trees, each of which stands upright, and is as high as 50m. It is thought to have been planted during the Kamakura period and is about 700 years old.
After enjoying the power of Mihonsugi, head to Hikawakobashi, which is very close to Okuhikawa Shrine. Here you can charge the energy of the mountain with your whole body.
■ Okuhikawa Shrine (Details)
[TEL] 0428-86-2731 (Water and Green community center)
[Address] 178 Hikawa, Okutama-cho, Nishitama-gun, Tokyo
[Worship time] Free worship
[Rregular holiday] None
[Access] 45 minutes from the Hinode IC on the Ken-O Expressway
[Parking lot] None