Sumiyoshi Taisha

Sumiyoshi Taisha has a history of more than 1,800 years and is worshipped by the locals, and over 2 million people are said to come to pray here on January 1st.
In the precincts, there are various buildings such as the square pillar “Kakutorii” and the “Sanbashi (Taikobashi)” which is lit up at night and has been selected as one of the “100 Kansai Night Views”.
In addition, there is a saying that collecting the three pebbles with the words “five,” “large,” and “power” from the gravel in the Tamagaki of “Goshogozen,” and keeping them as an amulet will give you luck for your wishes.
Worship time
[April-September] 6: 00-17: 00
[October-March] 6: 30-17: 00
2-9-89 Sumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
About 3 minutes on foot from “Sumiyoshi Taisha” station on the Nankai main line, about 5 minutes on foot from “Sumiyoshi Higashi” station on the Nankai Takano line, “Sumiyoshi Torii-mae station” on the Hansakai line